Making a Change

This is a journey that I’ve been on for a long time. I am currently 35 years old and sitting on a BMI that classifies me as obese. Do I think I’m obese? Definitely not. Am I unhealthy? Yes, a bit. 

Like many, when 2020 hit us with so many things, my health declined. Prior to that, I was in the healthiest shape of my life with regularly hitting the gym and making sure I ate well. I didn’t drink as much, and I was pretty much in a healthy body. I didn’t see it like that, because I have always struggled with my appearance. I’ve always wanted to be a little skinnier, a little lighter, a little more. But now I know that I was in great shape and I’m working to get back to that. 

A few things…

  • I got used to eating out more
  • I drink often, maybe every weekend
  • I have a hard time getting myself to the gym consistently 
I’ve been trying to lose the weight for the better part of two years but instead I’ve slowly gained more. In September 2023 I was at 182lbs, the heaviest I’ve ever been. I saw a terrible picture of myself during a weekend at Oktoberfest and I realized enough was enough. I’m done with hating how I look and feel, and need to do something about it. 

I’ve done the diets and the fasting, but I haven’t committed to anything these past couple years. That’s what I’m working on.

Presently, I’ve lost around 9ish lbs — on a good day, and I want to keep going. So I decided that I wanted to just start a blog, a journal of sorts to keep track of my journey and help me keep up with it. This may or may not work. I’m trying different things. But I know this is the year that I have to make a change. I’m getting older, it’s getting harder, and I don’t want to be an unhealthy person anymore. So we’re making a change. 


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