Weekends are tough.

I love the weekends. I work the regular 9-5 job and so most of my fun plans are focused on the weekend. I love short and long trips so our weekends are usually full of socializing and doing things. But those are the days that I struggle with eating well and working out.

I used to be really good about working out on weekends, but now I’m pretty terrible. What’s worse is my eating habits. I can do well all week but during a Saturday or Sunday, I’ll binge eat all day. And I drink alcohol. I’m trying to be better about not drinking so much but it’s such a regular part of my weekend routine. Even if we stay home, we’ll have a cocktail or two. Or three or four. 

This week I’m working on dropping some weight and hopefully reaching the 160’s (even if it’s 169.) I haven’t been under 170 in so long but I’m so close, I know I can get there. But I most likely have to get through a weekend of healthy eating. That’s my current goal for the week. I will update on my progress soon. 


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